Andahuaylas Airport (ANS)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Andahuaylas Airport serves the city of the same name and is the only air terminal in the department of Apurímac. It does not currently operate commercial flights, but it is authorized for humanitarian, military and emergency flights.

Official Website:

Number of Terminals - 1 -


Annual passenger traffic: 8,300 passengers transited it in 2017.

Tel: +51 83 422 619 / 423 497.


The airport is located 6 km (3.7 miles) southeast of the city of Andahuaylas.

 See Map

What services does Andahuaylas Airport (ANS) facilities include

Food & Drinks



Contact your airline's offices for any problems with checked baggage.

Other services


Accommodation near Andahuaylas Airport (ANS)

Among the closest accommodations to the airport are the following:

La Mansión Casa Hotel (6.3 km/3.9 miles)
Lux - Hotel Boutique (6.8 km/4.2 miles)
Hotel Las Terrazas Inn (6.9 km/4.3 miles)
Hotel Conquistador (7 km/4.3 miles)
Muña Hotel (10.1 km/6.3 miles)

  Booking accommodation

Public and private transportation


At the entrance to the airport, you can board a vehicle of Taxi Andahuaylas Huantur (Tel +51 83 783 3910). Travel time to the city center is 15 minutes.

Car rental agencies

There are no car rental company counters in the terminal. Advance reservations are recommended.


Parking services at Andahuaylas Airport (ANS)

There are some designated parking spaces next to the main building.

Facilities for passengers with special needs

For those passengers requiring special assistance or wheelchairs, it is recommended that you contact your airline at least 48 hours before your trip to coordinate the necessary services.


  Rent a car at Andahuaylas (ANS)   Accommodation in Andahuaylas  VIP LOUNGE PASS   Cheap Flights

Latest updates: May 21, 2024