New York JFK airport (JFK)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

John F. Kennedy International Airport, opened on July 1, 1948, is one of the busiest in the country. Along with Newark and LaGuardia airports, it serves the entire New York and New Jersey metropolitan area. It operates domestic and international flights worldwide.

Official Website: - FACEBOOK - TWITTER

Number of Terminals - 5 - Terminals 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8, open 24 hours a day. A free train (AirTrain) connects all terminals, parking lots and car rental facilities. See more >>

Annual passenger traffic: 62.4 million passengers went through it in 2023.

Tel: +1 718 244 4444

On the Arrivals level of all terminals and in the commercial area of Terminal 4, there are Welcome Centers. Additionally, in the Arrivals area of terminals 4, 7 and 8, there are Travelers Aid counters (Tel +1 718 656 4870).


The airport is located in the Jamaica neighborhood of the Queens borough, 26 km (16 miles) southeast of Midtown Manhattan.

 See Map

Parking services at New York JFK airport (JFK)

There are four lots for short and long stays, interconnected and linked to all terminals through the free AirTrain. Charging stations for electric vehicles are available. There are also two free areas for picking up passengers (Cell Phone Lots) and a complimentary area for dropping off passengers (Kiss and Fly). The former are located within a five-minute radius of all terminals, while the Kiss and Fly area is at the Airtrain JFK Lefferts Boulevard Station.

Short-term/daily garages

- Federal Circle Station Lot (prepaid)
- Orange and red garages (located next to terminals 1, 2, 7, and 8)
- Blue garage (located next to Terminal 4)
- Yellow daily garage (located next to Terminal 5)

Long-term/economy lots

Lot 9, located on Lefferts Boulevard, approximately 6.5 km from terminals 1 to 8.

Disabled parking*

There are designated parking spaces for customers with reduced mobility located in each short-term parking lot, near the terminal entrance, and in the long-term lot, near the Howard Beach and Lefferts Boulevard stations.

*Official disabled plates or other official permits issued by a municipality or state of residence are required.

See rates and more about parking at JFK Airport

Facilities for passengers with special needs

Facilities include ramps, adapted telephones and toilets, designated parking spots close to the terminal entrances, accessible drinking fountains, and relief areas for service animals. Transportation systems are accessible for passengers with reduced mobility. Inform your airline in advance about any special needs.

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Latest updates: March 25, 2024